ScenoLight Atelier – Architectural & Experience Lighting


This is a lighting design proposal we did for Notre-Dame church located in the heart of Saigon. Combined with a renew of the surrounding urban and landscape lighting, we proposed a solution that will highlight the characteristic architecture and material of this monument, while considering the necessary variation of illumination for lighting pollution and energy consumption reasons. Heritage architectural lighting installation for a worship place is a different approach from any kind of project. The lighting has to reveal architecture as it is, a cathedral is not a show. In the same time this cathedral has a monumental presence in the city, and from this point of view it’s also a landmark by night. Our lighting proposal consider all these different aspects, including the different time of lighting, from the early evening, during the ceremony and late night. The lighting installation is controlled by a programmed system that can adapt the power of the light of the all installation, and creates different ambient along the night.


theme park lighting design


This is a pre-show area where guests are immerse in the narrative of the attraction. Our lighting scheme combines multiple...

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hotel facade lighting design


Situated in the heart of Nha Trang, a well-known seaside getaway is located in central Vietnam, aiming to provide its...

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media facade lighting design for sport center


Our studio has meticulously designed a media facade lighting system for a sports center in Vietnam, meticulously crafted to harmoniously...

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hotel and resort lighting design outdoor landscape and facade lighting


The lighting design plays a crucial role in this project, from the outer courtyard to the cozy intimacy of the...

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Interior lighting design for exhibition lighting atmosphere with tailor made decorative lighting sculptures


Situated in the mountainous region of Dalat, Vietnam, renowned for its cultivation of green tea, this new museum is crafted...

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entertainment lighting for bar and night club lighting experience

SKY 36

Night bars and clubs are indeed settings where lighting is expected to play a crucial role, in addition to the...

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